Needham High School Class of 1964

John Isham in 2012
John Isham
1946 - 2022

We do not have an obituary for John; but here is a photo of John from 2020.  He is holding a book of photos of the 2019 Reunion, given to him by Steve Marini.

John Isham at home in 2020

Remembrances by Classmates

If you would like to add your remembrance, please send it to the webmaster via the link at bottom of this page.

I am saddened to hear of John Isham's recent death.  John sat right behind me in Mr. Finnerty's 5th grade class at Mitchell School; and he always offered to sharpen my pencils when one broke.  I'll admit that I often broke one on purpose just to see that friendly and  handsome smile of his!  And from the 2019 photo it appears that lovely smile never diminished. Also,  I never heard him to be unkind to anyone, even in those awkward upper elementary school years at Mitchell!

Susan Goodrich

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